Sunday, October 26, 2008

Of Civil Wars

Seems like conflict is all around me these days, and while much of it still comes from my inner need to sound off about bullshit, a lot of it stems from the world we live in.
This election, for one, has been a cause of serious "bad blood" between people who were, if nothing else, at least civil to each other.
I'm seeing a War Between The Roses, as each side belts out why they are voting for one, or why they are not voting for the other.
I'm a staunch, die-hard Barack Obama supporter, and I've gotten so caught up in this fight, that sometimes, it's just hard not to take a swing whenever the opportunity is there. And I've taken my share in return, too.

For me, I believe Obama represents the voice that is screaming for a radical change in this country and McCain represents the same thing we've had, which has sent this country down the tubes.
Obama may not have a lot of experience, but McCain and Palin are surrounded by controversy and poor decision making.
McCain's advanced age worries me, both for his ability to remain physically healthy and his chances of declining mental skills.
Palin is a joke.
Obama's platform matches my way of thinking more so than McCain's.
Obama actually put some thought into his choice of a running mate by selecting someone with a lot of experience and can provide guidance in the area he lacks the most; Foreign policy.
Palin brings nothing to the White House, other than a pretty face. McCain may as well have picked Paris Hilton.
Republicans = Capitalism and Communism and favorable breaks for the people who deserve them the least; Rich People.
Obama identifies with the generation that covers the largest segment of the population: Mine.

Now that we're entering the stretch run, I guess it's all going to come down to what happens on November 4th, but in the meantime, I find myself still feeling incredulously curious as to how anyone could be supporting McCain.
Does he make some good points and have good ideas? Well sure.
On the other hand, are some of Obama's ideas a little bit suspect? Of course they are. No candidate could ever have all the answers.
But this country needs shock treatment right now, not a warm compress and a Band-Aid. McCain still represents the status quo and that's the bottom line. Status Quo = Same ol', same ol'.

In other news, somewhat related, seems certain people have again shown themselves for who they truly are.
Controversy surrounds me, being as outspoken as I am, and when people can't handle the truth, due to their thin skins, I have no remorse over telling it to them.
If someone, a perceived friend, is doing something you find offensive, in this case an avatar of the kid pissing on Obama, an anti-Obama symbol, not pro-McCain, and you ask kindly to take it down, as you see it as offensive, and the retort is a smart-ass remark, followed by a pack of lies, which are shown to be lies, but then repeatedly flung back in your face, I believe that I have every right to speak out. Well, that happened recently and in doing so, I find myself ostracized from a segment of a local online forum. A segment so cliquey (which I loathe) and so frightful of anyone telling the world what superficial chumps they are, blinded by their need to be upheld as social icons, that they just try to recruit people to defend their shameful honor and, in a pack mentality, separate me from their ballpark. Albeit, briefly, the effects will be long lasting, I promise.

Since it's Sunday, I'll finish with a resounding "Go Bills!!"


Ramble On said...

Sometime you almost have to shake your head and inaudibly say, "whatever".

HipKat said...

Yeah, Ramble, I seem to catch myself doing that a lot, these days...