Monday, July 14, 2008

Peoria Speaks

The drama, oh, the drama.

Peoria Speaks (PS) is a message board, local to the Peoria, IL area, and is a spin-off from the message boards found at (PDC).
It was started by the renegades who, for some reasons or other, had gotten banned from PDC.
When Bridget and I discovered PDC, she was not so well received there, and because we shared an IP address, we were both banned. I did manage to convince the administrators that, since I had no problems there, to allow me to return.
In the interim, we found ourselves invited to PS by one of the honchos from that board, a teacher from East Peoria.
The site is run by a local attorney and has a cast of regulars that cover every part of this area.
I liked that site alot, and was well received and because of the ongoing problems I have with Bridget, who wore her welcome out at PS pretty quick, too, was shown alot of understanding and felt like I was taken in as part of the group.
In theory, this is supposed to be the less judgmental, clique-free, liberal message board, and that's my kind've place.
We got together for a baseball game, I was given the idea to start his blog from the people there, and I just liked everyone.
Little did I know.
As the weeks went by, the people at PDC warmed up to me more, and I made some good friends there too. I believe that this was the root of the animosity that began to surround my presence at PS. The warm welcome was turning into a cold shoulder, which began it's culmination last weekend, when I was invited to a party at the lawyer's beautiful house.
Without going into too many details, several things happened that night.

First, I was asked why I had come to Peoria and I relayed the story of the demise of my trucking company, my early failure at Home Improvement sales, the eviction from our apartment, all leading up to us coming to Peoria.
Apparently, telling the story was a bigger deal to several people at the party, who were not part of the conversation, but had overheard it.

Secondly, Bridget's high school boyfriend, who it turns out lives across the street, showed up.
This is a guy that did bad things to her and my instinctive reaction was to want to kill him, but I didn't. I ignored him, and told the person who let me in on who was know that I was freaking out inside.

Thirdly, towards the end of the night, teacher and others decided it was time to tell me exactly how fucked up I was in my dealing with the situation at home.

Now, none of these things seem like a whole lot, but apparently, they were. Because several days later, I was literally attacked in the PS shoutbox by the teacher, who loves to tell me how fucked up I am by not murdering Bridget in her sleep and hanging the body out by the curb for the world to see. How I'm apparently a wimp, because I choose to try and keep things amicable, instead of building even more anger and hatred between each other.

Over the course of the next few days, I was reminded by the teacher over and over of just how fucked up I am, which culminated in her leaving the deleted comment on my last blog entry, which basically called me an asshole for having Cable TV, when I'm having financial issues.
I don't see cable as a luxury. I have kids, and I never leave the house, so to me, cable is another utility, a necessity, and that's it. It's my choice to pay for cable, and if anyone has a problem with that, then I apologize, but it's my problem, not theirs.
After seeing the comment, I went to PS, and sent the teacher a message asking her to just not acknowledge me or anything I post. Just to basically leave me alone. Then, as I perused the board, I saw she had put up a post apologizing for the shoutbox fight, the week before, but NOT for the comments made since.
Apology acceptance is up to the person who receives the apology, not the person who delivers it. Apologizing is admirable, but it doesn't make the wounds automatically heal. Yet I was lambasted for not immediately accepting her apology and apparently I was supposed to beatify her, which I totally did not do!
But, after a time, I relented, cooled off and apologized back, and then all hell broke loose. Snide, rude comments from the lawyer, from the teacher, and from the board primadonna, the bird lover, who shocked me the most as I have displayed nothing but admiration for this woman.

I will admit right now, that my apology was weak as I really feel that I have nothing to apologize for. I'm constantly told that what I'm going through is nothing compared to what these poor martyrs have endured. Regardless of what anyone HAS gone through, I'm going through it now, and it's not easy, but it makes it worse when your suspected friends go all out to make you feel insignificant. Make you feel that your emotions are not real, or are overblown.

Then today, after a final attempt to apologize and move on, I was told I was banned, although I wasn't and I decided to just leave.

These are my final thoughts to these people:
Teach, you're a bully. As is the case with most bullies, you have shortcomings, and your hobbit-like figure is the least of them. You can't stand to see someone else going through a hardship without making them know that you endured much worse and that they should just grin and bear it. That is selfish and insensitive. I thought we were friends which to me means that no matter what the circumstances are, as a friend, you should be sensitive beyond all else. It's no wonder your best friends are fellow bridge trolls.

Lawyer, you disappoint me the most. You're a lawyer who doesn't understand reason. How is that even possible? You offered me understanding and friendship and then pulled it back the moment I began to depend on it. That's just dirty and shows your true colors as self cengtered bitch, who can't stand it when she doesn't get her way or gets called out.

The both of you and your audacity to tell me how I'm supposed to feel, and react and what I'm supposed to say is pure arrogance and it's disgusting. You don't know me, nor did you ever really want to, which is fine, because now, you never will.

Bird lover, you disappoint me the most, because I held you in very high regard, as a regal, classy lady who knew how to shine, even though I KNEW what you had been through, and your disgusting comments to and about me were uncalled for and a sure sign of ignorance and weakness. I know what goes on in your house. And it's a shame that you call ME a joke. At least you have a nice big house to show off when you're hiding your black eyes and bruises.

You three are the very example of everything you accuse the folks at PDC of being. And as much as you try and make people believe that you don't care about PDC, you sure have a knack for knowing everything that hapens over there as soon as it happens. Pure jealousy and regret are so evident in your actions. You're so wrapped up in your own self-image, that you're not able to see anyone else for they really are. Only for who you want them to be and when they don't fit your vision, you attack.

There are great people on PS that I'm going to miss alot. And that's pretty much everyone I didn't name.
I would have liked to have gotten to know you all better, but that won't happen now.

And, by the way, you're so insecure about yourselves, I give it less than an hour before this blog is talked about between you.


Anonymous said...

Nice little temper tantrum, there.

Anonymous said...

speak of the devil...

HipKat said...

MY temper tantrum?? After your shit talking me the other night? Crying because you're banning me wasn't working??

Oh, and you better ban everyone, because you can't sue me when I used no names and that laptop and HDTV belong ot Rentacenter AND My kids eat every night, just fine, my rent is fine, my bills are fine and yes, I did tell the landlord about the dog.

BTW, you want nothing to do with mke?? Stay of my blog. WHy are you even reading it? OR PDC, where you also don't want anything to do with.

What a hypocrite you are.

HipKat said...

Noipe, I was ganged up on, attacked and then accused of what, having feeelings?? Ooohh! Sorry, but all three of you hurt those feelings and now you're acting like the victims.

Anonymous said...

If I have ever done anything to offend you I am sorry. That was not my intent. I try to sidetrack the drama as much as possible. I hope things look up for you and your family.

HipKat said...

EBB, no way. You and Brad are the coolest, and I hope you'll stop by the other board and say hi once in a while

Anonymous said...

These sound like awfful people. Im sorry you had to go throgh that. It's hard to beleive you are talking about a lawyer and a teacher. Are you sure they are who they said?Maybe there is someone you can complian to.


HipKat said...

They aqre exactly who I say they are and the y know it. THey've been talkig about suing me all day, amoungst other things.!

No need to complain, just gotta move on!

Thanks Kiristin!

Anonymous said...

Good luck as you move forward with your life. Continue working with your therapist and getting the help you need.

Anonymous said...

HK, I hate to say what goes around comes around, but your very blog sounds like me talking about you...specifically the parts about apology, and being told your over reacting and your hardship isnt as bad as you think it is.
However, this isnt about me, its about you and those people I warned you about.
I got banned from that board for one single reason...the way I look. I know it, you know it and Grandma CERTAINLY knows it.
They are phoney pretentious people with no character or spine.For someone with enough brains to pass the BAR exame but not enough dignity to do an honest job, Grandma I applaud your truely HONESTLY make me sick.
And remember Hip, fool me once shame on you....dont let em fool you twice. Fucking midwest mouth stuffing bad hair cut havent been laid in YEARS fucking house wives.

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! This whole deal might get you two lovebirds back together! You guys might even tie the knot after all so that she can become a Midwestern housewife as well.

HipKat said...

Would it be possible for you ALL to use your damn names? I mean, what are youy afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Nothin like a common ennemy tto bring thhe lovbirds backtogether

HipKat said...

Don't worry, that will not ever happen

Rixblix said...

Well, the over/under is 2 months.

HipKat said...

Whatever..... !

Anonymous said...

Alison was told to leave both local forums because she couldn't play nice. She looks like a washed up stripper. It's swell that you're her hero and knight in shining armour. And it's even endearing that she came to your defense. This appears to be just exactly the script you two have been running since day one. Go back and read all the comments you received from others over the last couple months. Do some self exploration and examination. You're 43 years old. It's time to be a man.

Anonymous said...

On a forum, no one cares what anyone 'looks' like. It's about the words. Perhaps that is why you were asked to leave one, Greg, and Allison was asked to leave both local forums. Good luck to you both. But your logic is twisted. Just an observation from a reader. Can't understand why anyone would get so vindictive over a forum, though.

HipKat said...

Wow, is all I have to say.
But my hands have been washed.
Life goes on, and some people will move forward and some people will just dwell on the past.

Good luck you all, and thanks for not having the guts to sign your names on your comments. Perfect example of just how shallow you are.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this blog, and the comments, should be on one of those Mastercard commercials! It's priceless!

Anonymous said...

chick fight. Cool.

Billy Dennis said...

Why am I reminded of USENET after AOL introduced all the trolls to the Internets?

HipKat said...

I hear ya!
The big question is why is this still geting responses and why are people afraid to sign their names???

Maybe I should have started a message board!

Anonymous said...

How old are you people anyway?

Anonymous said...

Huh. The over/under really WAS on the mark! You should've taken pictures of the "moving truck"...she never really left, did she?